Sunday, 6 January 2008
Level B1, Conference Room 1
Tri-Service General H., Taipei, Taiwan
09:30-09:35 Opening - Professor Chiu-Chin Huang & Professor Yu-Feng Lin
09:35-10:15 Physiology and physiopathology of mineral metabolism in normal
individuals and in patients with different degrees of renal
failure - Professor Marc De Broe/ Professor Pauling Chu
10:30-12:45 Treatment of abnormal mineral metabolism in patients with
different degrees of renal failure:
Calciminetics - cinacalcet
Calcium and non-calcium containing phophate binders
Vitamin D and vitamin D analogues
Vascular calcification, PTH and bone metabolism in
patients with different degrees of renal failure -
Prof Pauling Chu/ Prof Marc De Broe/ Patrick D'Haese
13:30-14:30 Diagnosis and differential diagnosis of abnomral mineral
metabolism in patients with different degrees of renal
failure - Professor Patrick D'Haese
14:30-16:00 Bone biopsies in patients with abnomral mineral metabolism
- Dr Geert Behets
16:20-17:20 Discussion of illustrative case reports combining clinical data,
medical history, laboratory results and the relevance of
the bone biopsy - Prof Pauling Chu/ Profe Marc De Broe/
Prof Patrick D'Haese/ Dr Geert Behets
17:20-17:30 Closing - Professor Wu-Chang Yang
- Jan 07 Mon 2008 16:40
Mineral Metabolism CME Course